Contact Seller
- Posted On: 07/13/2012
- Title: Female Bennet Walaby for Sale or Trade
- Name: Andres Gonzalez
- Location: Texas
- I am looking to trade a Grey breeder Female Bennett "50%" chance split to white for a breeder Male Red Kangaroo.
For sale
3 adult Grey Female Bennetts,
1 adult Albino Male Bennett,
About the females, they were sold to me with a 50 % chance of being split to Albino. any babies they produce will be split to Albino if you use my male, and if any of the females are split to Albino, then you have a chance of getting albino babies, I have had them for 2 years and only produce greys. Ive produce 4 babies.
They are sold as a Group for $8,000.00 , no splitting unless it is to trade.
Trade Options,
Option A,
I female Bennett for breeder male Red Kangaroo
Option B,
My Albino Male and 3 Grey Females for Breeder Male Red Kangaroo and 2 Female Red Kangaroos no younger than 2 yrs old.
Lets work out a deal! Im in need of a Male Breeder Kangaroo, that is the only reason Im willing trade or sell.