Contact Seller
- Posted On: 06/13/2012
- Title: capuchin and Marmoset babies available f
- Name: George (SCAMER)
- Location: Texas
- Babies available being are hand fed:
Marmoset babies 10 weeks old male and female
Male $1500.00 Female $2000.00
Capuchin Monkeys 8 months old Male and Female
Male $3500.00 Female $4500.00
Fennec babies 15 weeks old male and female
Male $1000.00 Female $1200.00
Our facility is USDA licensed.All babies are seen by a vet with primate experience, and include a health certificate, USDA paperwork, and what you need to get started with.
Before contacting us, please check your state, city and county laws to see if there are any restrictions or special requirements to own the animal you are wanting to purchase. You can call your Wild Life dept for a copy of your state's George on 235-684-2796