Contact Seller
  • Posted On: 06/13/2012
  • Title: capuchin and Marmoset babies available f
  • Name: George (SCAMER)
  • Location: Texas
  • Babies available being are hand fed:
    Marmoset babies 10 weeks old male and female
    Male $1500.00 Female $2000.00
    Capuchin Monkeys 8 months old Male and Female
    Male $3500.00 Female $4500.00
    Fennec babies 15 weeks old male and female
    Male $1000.00 Female $1200.00
    Our facility is USDA licensed.All­ babies are seen by a vet with primate experience, and include a health certificate,­ USDA paperwork, and what you need to get started with.
    Before contacting us, please check your state, city and county laws to see if there are any restrictions­ or special requirements­ to own the animal you are wanting to purchase. You can call your Wild Life dept for a copy of your state's George on 235-684-2796
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