Contact Seller
  • Posted On: 05/03/2018
  • Title: AGOUTI - well socialized and trained
  • Name: Virginia
  • Location: Connecticut
  • Delilah is healthy, 3 year old agouti, very well socialized, raised as a pet, and has some useful training under her belt. I think she'd make a good prospect in an educational program.

    Though she likes to snuggle with me on her terms, she would not enjoy being carried in a presenter's arms. But she will happily perch on top of something (like a crate), and is easily contained within something like an x-pen as long as person is there with her and has food!

    She's been raised with gentle dogs, spends numerous hours a day in my house, is litter trained when loose.

    I will be very careful when screening potential adopters, so expect a lot of questions, and will deliver within a reasonable distance from me for a fee. (No shipping.)

    I have many training videos of her, and detailed behavior info.

    UP onto crate:

    GET IN to crate:
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