Contact Seller
  • Posted On: 09/09/2013
  • Title: Please Read This and do your part
  • Name: John Doe
  • Location: North Carolina
  • Hello,

    Many of you are probably unaware of all the proposed new exotic animal bans that HSUS, among others, is trying to get passed. I am hoping that, we as a group, can stand together and voice our concerns and prevent all of these bills from passing.

    If we all just sit around, complacent, waiting for others to do it for us, there is a strong chance that these bans will become law. Exotic animal ownership will become a thing of the past. There will no longer be petting zoos, no more private breeders and ownership of exotics. No more public contact with our baby animals. No more Education Programs (remember that education of the public is the key to conservation).

    It seems that all our rights are being taken away. Is this still the United States of America? We see prayer no longer in schools, Next will be no exotic animals – ANYWHERE!! Will our grandchildren only be able to see exotic animals in books and magazines?

    I am including links to websites where you can click and write your comments to let USDA know how we fee and that we are all of one mind.
    This USDA proposal asking for comments would seem to be of some importance! See in red below. It would effect any primates including lemurs used in any way including as ambassador animals etc.
    Write as many land mail letters as you can!
    Deadline is October 4,2013.

    Animal and Plant Health Inspection
    9 CFR Parts 2 and 3
    [Docket No. APHIS–2012–0107]
    Petition to Amend Animal Welfare Act
    Regulations To Prohibit Public Contact
    With Big Cats, Bears, and Nonhuman
    AGENCY: Animal and Plant Health
    Inspection Service, USDA.
    ACTION: Notice.
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