In search of {Southern Flying Squirrel ) females bonded pair

In search of {Southern Flying Squirrel ) females bonded pair

  • Name: Rita Gagnon
  • Posted: 02/04/2025
  • Phone: 413 275-8006
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: Massachusetts
  • ID #82082
In search of 2 live southern Flying Squirrel-bonded pair

I’m in Westfield Mass.

I’ve recently lost mine,..passed,...I’ve had her three years,..

I’d love to get that purring feeling again, I got from my fribble in the photo

Amelia Air ??. I still have her cage mansion and all the food and whatnot,........i’m just hopelessly trying to find another , mend my broken heart,..she was ,to me, little spirit animal,..rescued her from the cats mouth,...and she lived,..


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