Big Cats for Sale
Big Cats for Sale
- REFERENCE ONLY: Animals listed have been sold or removed.
- Name: Martha Taylor
- Posted: 10/17/2014
- Location: Texas
- ID #16246
We have several big cats available for sale.
We have 2 100% pure Siberian Tiger cubs for sale. 4-weeks-old. Asking $24,000 or each. Hand raised. Currently on formula. Will start weaning in one month onto Mazuri Exotic Feline Large, horse meat, rabbit and chicken. 100% tame at this age.
We have 2 male Cheetah brothers. Both are 4.5 years old. Bonded, but willing to sell separately. $125,000 per Cheetah or $235,000 for both of them. They eat Mazuri Exotic Canine Diet, bones, horse meat, chickens and rabbits. 90% tame.
We have a 12 month old white Lion male. $50,000. He eats Mazuri Exotic Feline Diet Large, bones, meat, chicken and rabbits. 80% tame.
Prices are firm.
We have 2 100% pure Siberian Tiger cubs for sale. 4-weeks-old. Asking $24,000 or each. Hand raised. Currently on formula. Will start weaning in one month onto Mazuri Exotic Feline Large, horse meat, rabbit and chicken. 100% tame at this age.
We have 2 male Cheetah brothers. Both are 4.5 years old. Bonded, but willing to sell separately. $125,000 per Cheetah or $235,000 for both of them. They eat Mazuri Exotic Canine Diet, bones, horse meat, chickens and rabbits. 90% tame.
We have a 12 month old white Lion male. $50,000. He eats Mazuri Exotic Feline Diet Large, bones, meat, chicken and rabbits. 80% tame.
Prices are firm.